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The Benefits of Installing Dumpster Enclosure Gates

dumpster enclosure gates

Has your business been the victim of midnight dumping? If it happens consistently, it costs your business money. And since it’s illegal, the people responsible could pay fines or spend time in jail.

As a property manager, it’s your responsibility to handle waste management—even if people dump waste on your property illegally.

Savvy business owners protect their commercial properties by installing dumpster enclosure gates. Read on to explore the benefits and why dumpster gates are a wise investment for your business.

Why Worry About Waste Management?

Waste management is a crucial aspect of any commercial property’s operations. First, it helps to prevent potential health hazards.

Second, proper waste management is critical for compliance with local and federal regulations. A business that doesn’t adhere to the rules can result in significant fines and penalties.

Are you following best practices for waste management? Property managers who do can create a cleaner, safer environment. Employees and customers will appreciate your efforts.

Proper waste management also helps a business avoid legal and financial penalties.

Dumpsters and Pest Prevention

If you’ve seen a raccoon dumpster diving, you might think it’s heartwarming. Despite the adorable masked faces and amusing antics, raccoons are not all that charming.

Raccoons and other rodents climb into dumpsters in search of food. Some even make nests for their young inside a dumpster.

They leave behind waste, including their own. The waste creates the ideal environment for flies and cockroaches. These insects can spread disease.

Dumpster enclosure gates are an excellent solution. The gates act as a barrier to restrict access to pests by enclosing the dumpsters. This helps to prevent the spread of diseases and parasites pests may carry.

Dumpster gates can prevent property damage scavenging pests may cause. For example, rats love to chew. If your dumpster has a plastic lid, a rat can chew through it, leaving it vulnerable to more damage.

How Secure Are Your Dumpsters?

Dumpster enclosure gates may deter pests but provide enhanced property protection. The gates act as a physical barrier, restricting access to waste. This prevents unauthorized individuals from tampering with it.

When you secure your dumpster, you can prevent theft and vandalism. Dumpsters draw scavengers and thieves who try to access waste for illegal purposes.

For example, dumpster waste often holds sensitive information, valuable equipment, or products. All the things thieves want!

If you want to reduce the risk of theft, install the gates.

Dumpster enclosure gates can prevent vandals from defacing or damaging the property.

Property managers must support the integrity of their commercial property. The business risks losing valuable assets if they don’t protect the property. In addition, they could suffer significant financial losses.

Dumpster gates help enhance security. They reduce the risk of theft and vandalism. This helps safeguard the business’ reputation and financial well-being.

Enclosed Dumpsters and the Law

Many municipalities across the country require enclosed dumpsters. Most city governments implement regulations to protect citizens’ safety. Beautification is another compelling reason to install dumpster enclosure gates.

Due to its large size, a dumpster in plain view isn’t always “easy on the eye.” A dumpster enclosure provides a visually pleasing way to deal with waste management.

You’ll want to check with your city if you’re on the fence about installing gates around your enclosed dumpster. Like many other cities, yours may have codes for managing commercial dumpsters.

Failure to follow city codes can result in costly fines and inconveniences.

Dumpster Enclosure Gates: A Few More Benefits

Pest prevention and dumpster security may not be a pressing issue for your business. There are other benefits to installing dumpster enclosure gates.

Cost Savings Solution

Dumpster enclosure gates are a cost-effective solution for property managers. They help reduce the cost of waste removal by preventing overfilling and contamination.

That means fewer waste pickups and lower disposal fees.

Preventing pest infestations and vandalism can result in fewer dumpster repairs. Dumpsters will last longer as well. Fewer repairs and a longer service life help reduce waste management costs.

Looking to Save Time?

Which business owner or property manager doesn’t need a few extra hours in their day? Gates used to keep commercial dumpsters secure don’t only save businesses money; they save time.

Many property maintenance projects disrupt normal business operations. Installation of dumpster gates won’t bother most people. Professional installers don’t create a fuss when they work.

Once installed, the gates need minimal attention. That frees you from focusing on other aspects of managing your commercial property.

Low Maintenance and Durability

Manufacturers design dumpster gates to be durable and low-maintenance. Harsh weather conditions, damage from pests, and vandalism?

Many manufacturers use high-quality materials such as:

  • Steel
  • Aluminum
  • Chain link

These gates can handle it all!

Low-maintenance design means little to no upkeep. You won’t need to spend much time or money maintaining them.

After considering these benefits, it’s easy to see why dumpster enclosure gates are necessary. They offer a comprehensive waste management solution.

Ready to Protect Your Commercial Dumpsters?

The benefits of installing dumpster enclosure gates for commercial properties are evident. They enhance waste management by preventing pests, providing security, and reducing costs.

The time-saving and low-maintenance benefits of these gates make them a wise investment. Any property manager looking to safeguard their commercial property should consider installing them.

If you’re ready to talk about securing your enclosed dumpsters, contact Action Fence. With over 30 years of experience, we’re the choice of businesses all over South Florida.

Contact our fencing experts today for a sales estimate.

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Picture of Kevin Bruns

Kevin Bruns

Kevin Bruns is a leading figure in the commercial and industrial fencing sector in Southeast Florida. With Action Fence, he delivers top-notch fencing services. This includes both installation and repairs. His work stands out for its quality and affordability.